业务领域 业务优势 产品介绍 租赁流程
  • 融资租赁通过“融物”方式实现“融资”目的。对于企业而言则提供了一条新的融资途径,拓宽了企业融资渠道。而且相较于银行,融资租赁审核手续简便、操作快捷、资金到位快。

    Financial leasing through "melt" way to achieve "financing" purposes. For businesses, it provides a new way for financing and broadens the channel for corporate financing. And compared to banks, financial leasing review procedures are simple, quick operation, fast funding.

  • 融资租赁业务对提供给企业的资金监管较为宽松,有利于企业进行灵活的资金安排(主要体现在售后回租交易中,由于是通过出售资产取得的资金,企业可以自由使用该资金)。

    Financial leasing business provides more relaxed supervision of the funds provided to the enterprise, which is conducive to flexible financial arrangements for the enterprise (mainly reflected in the sale and leaseback transactions, because the funds obtained through the sale of assets, businesses are free to use the funds).

  • 企业通过融资租赁获得的资金不会计入人民银行征信系统,不占用企业在银行授信额度。

    The funds obtained by enterprises through financial leasing will not be included in the credit information system of the People's Bank and do not occupy the credit lines of the enterprises in the banks.

  • 租赁形式灵活,可根据项目条件、背景以及项目各方的要求和目标设计,满足不同条件和需要的项目方案。

    Lease flexible form, according to the project conditions, background and project requirements and objectives of all parties to design to meet different conditions and needs of the project program.

  • 采用融资租赁方式租入固定资产(直租),或将自有固定资产采用售后回租方式融资时,可获得3至5年的中长期融资。相比银行流贷或短期商业信用,可改善流动比率、速动比率等短期偿债能力指标(保留或提高承租人的融资能力)。

    Long-term financing of 3 to 5 years can be obtained when leasing fixed assets (direct leases) by means of financial leasing or financing their own fixed assets by sale and leaseback. Compared with bank loans or short-term commercial credit, short-term debt-to-liquidity indicators such as current ratio and quick ratio can be improved (to retain or enhance the lessee's financing ability).